International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 3, n. 4 (Oktober 1984)
Erschienen: | Oktober 1984 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zeng, X. / Cakmak, A. S. | Dynamic structure - soil interaction under the action of vertical ground motion, part I: the axisymmetric problem | 200-210 |
Zeng, X. / Cakmak, A. S. | Dynamic structure - soil interaction under the action of vertical ground motion, Part II: the plane problem | 211-219 |
Togrol, Ergün / Guler, Erol | Effect of repeated loading on the strength of clay | 184-190 |
Lee, L. N. H. / Ariman, T. / Chen, C. C. | Elastic-plastic buckling of buried pipelines by seismic excitation | 168-173 |
Liu, Hui-xian | Engineering seismology | 221 |
Lee, Vincent W. | A new fast algorithm for the calculation of response of a single-degree-of-freedom system to arbitrary load in time | 191-199 |
Liao, Z. P. / Wong, H. L. | A transmitting boundary for the numerical simulation of elastic wave propagation | 174-183 |