International Journal of Architectural Computing - v. 12, n. 1 (März 2014)
Erschienen: | März 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Neves, Isabel Clara / Rocha, João / Duarte, José Pinto | Computational Design Research in Architecture: The Legacy of the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Ulm | 1-25 |
Choo, Thian-Siong / Janssen, Patrick | Evolutionary Optimisation of Semi-Transparent Building Integrated Photovoltaic Facades | 81-100 |
Rekittke, Joerg / Ninsalam, Yazid / Paar, Philip | No Fear of Ridicule – Deploying Plaything Technology for Credible Representations of Urban Landscape | 27-46 |
Stavric, Milena / Wiltsche, Albert | Quadrilateral Patterns for Rigid Folding Structures | 61-79 |
Park, Ju Hong / Nagakura, Takehiko | A Thousand Bim: A Rapid Value-Simulation Approach to Developing a BIM Tool for Supporting Collaboration during Schematic Design | 47-60 |