International Journal of Architectural Computing - v. 2, n. 3 (September 2004)
Erschienen: | September 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Manes, Sergio | Architectural Representation Software: A Design Tool | 403-421 |
Sperling, David M. | Architecture as a Digital Diagram | 371-387 |
Senagala, Mahesh | Deconstructing the Software Interface: A Critical Close Reading of AutoCAD | 299-314 |
Stipech, Alfredo / Mantaras, Guillermo | The Digital Media and New Technologies in Visual Arts Studio | 389-401 |
Carnos Scaletsky, Celso | The Kaléidoscope System to Organize Architectural Design References | 351-369 |
Ruffle, Simon / Richens, Paul | Stylist and Scaleable – Vector Graphics for All on the Web | 333-350 |
Muñoz, Patricia L. / López Coronel, Juan P. | Visualizing Intangible Realities in Design | 315-331 |