The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design - v. 7, n. 1 (2013)
Erschienen: | 2013 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tracada, Eleni | The Fractal Urban Coherence in Biourbanism: The Factual Elements of Urban Fabric | 1-17 |
Keonil, Nuchnapang / Sahachaisaeree, Nopadol | The Manipulation of Architectural Elements to Achieve Interior Thermal Comfort: A Case of Residential Buildings in Bangkok | 81-94 |
Montoto, Román | Relief Constructions: Fragmenting, De-fragmenting, and Balancing Architectonics | 69-80 |
Watt, Kathleen | Social Behaviour and Urban Spaces: A Study of Performative Identity in Skegness, U.K. | 49-68 |
Palmer, Jasmine / Chiveralls, Keri / Pullen, Stephen / Zuo, Jian / Wilson, Lou / Zillante, George | Transdisciplinary Charrettes: A Research Method for Sustainable Design | 95-106 |
Franz, Anna / Sarkani, Shahram / Mazzuchi, Thomas A. | Whole System Design and Evolutionary 21st Century American Buildings + Infrastructure | 19-48 |