Intelligent Buildings International - v. 1, n. 2 (Februar 2009)
Erschienen: | Februar 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Newsham, Guy / Mancini, Sandra / Veitch, Jennifer / Marchand, Roger / Lei, William / Charles, Kate / Arsenault, Chantal | Control strategies for lighting and ventilation in offices: effects on energy and occupants | 101-121 |
Bağcı, Barış | Energy saving potential for a high-rise office building | 156-163 |
Megri, Ahmed Cherif / El Naqa, Issam / Moschandreas, Demetrios / Ari, Halil | A knowledge-based analysis tool to assess the THMs pollutant total exposure index and cumulative risk | 122-130 |
Cook, Phil / Khare, Anshuman | The link between continuous commissioning and sustainable growth: a sustainable business model | 142-155 |
Lu, Xiaoshu / Clements-Croome, Derek / Viljanen, Martti | Past, present and future mathematical models for buildings: Focus on Intelligent Buildings (Part 2) | 131-141 |
Veitch, Jennifer | Whither intelligent buildings? | 99-100 |