i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering (JCE) - v. 6, n. 2 (Mai 2016)
Erschienen: | Mai 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Phani, S. Sesha / Sekhar, T. Seshadri | Behavioural Studies on Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Slabs of Grade M100 | 13 |
Manish, Kumar / Shri, Ram | Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater Treatments by Alum | 36-41 |
Seshagiri Rao, Boddu / Kumar, Rohini | Design and Analysis of Pipe Network System by Using Epanet | 42 |
Dahale, P. P. / Nagarnaik, P. B. / Gajbhiye, A. Y. | Effect of Fly Ash And Lime On Stabilization of Expansive Soil | 8 |
Ankit Kumar, Singh / Govind, Pandey | Performance Evaluation and Efficiency Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plant Using Bio-Tower Technology | 19 |
Faezehossadat, Khademi / Sayed Mohammadmehdi, Jamal | Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network | 1 |
Kumar, B. Narendra / Vishnupriya, G. | Study on Microstructure of High Strength (M100) Hybrid Fiber Self Compacting Concrete Containing Quartz Materials Subjected to Acid Attack | 26 |