Geotechnical Research - v. 9, n. 3 (September 2022)
Erschienen: | September 2022 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mughieda, Omer / Alzo’ubi, Abdel Kareem / Alzaylaie, Marwan / Vandanapu, Ramesh / Sharma, Akash | Empirical and numerical study of the static lateral response of socketed pile in Dubai sedimentary rock | 1-7 |
Nishizono, Katsuhide / Sega, Yasuhiro / Katagiri, Masaaki / Watabe, Yoichi | Evaluation of effective use of dredged soil as containment dikes of a disposal pond in Japan | 1-10 |
Gao, Kunpeng / Xu, Zhangxing / Mwalupaso, Gershom Endelani / Cheng, Zhiyuan / Wang, Yitao | A numerical study on the strata movement induced by mining under a jointed-rock slope | 1-10 |
Zavala, Guillermo J. / Pando, Miguel A. / Park, Youngjin / Aguilar, Rafael | A simplified method to predict failure of sands under general cyclic simple shear loading | 1-14 |