Engineering Structures - v. 17, n. 5 (Juni 1995)
Erschienen: | Juni 1995 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Ciampi, V. / De Angelis, M. / Paolacci, F. | Design of yielding or friction-based dissipative bracings for seismic protection of buildings | 381-391 |
Sam, Ming-Tuck / Balendra, Thambirajah / Liaw, Chih-Young | Earthquake-resistant steel frames with energy dissipating knee elements | 334-343 |
Jurukovski, D. / Petkovski, M. / Rakicevic, Z. | Energy absorbing elements in regular and composite steel frame structures | 319-333 |
Martínez-Rueda, J. Enrique / Elnashai, A. S. | A novel technique for the retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures | 359-371 |
Shen, K. L. / Soong, T. T. / Chang, K. C. / Lai, M. L. | Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete frame with added viscoelastic dampers | 372-380 |
Roberts, T. M. | Seismic resistance of steel plate shear walls | 344-351 |
Basha, Hisham S. / Goel, Subhash C. | Special truss moment frames with Vierendeel middle panel | 352-358 |