Engineering Structures and Technologies - v. 9, n. 2 (Juni 2017)
Erschienen: | Juni 2017 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Pichal, Radek / Machacek, Josef | Buckling and Post-buckling of Prestressed Stainless Steel Stayed Columns | 63-69 |
Kairytė, Agnė / Ivdre, Aiga / Vaitkus, Saulius | Dimensionally Stable Water-Blown Polyurethane Foam Extended with Bio-Based Propylene Glycol and Modified with Paper Waste Sludge | 93-103 |
Slaitas, Justas / Hlavac, Zbynek / Šneideris, Arnoldas | Flexural Reinforced Concrete Elements Normal Section Bearing Capacity Evaluation in Fracture Stage | 70-78 |
Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Abu Bakar, Badorul Hisham / Akil, Hazizan Md. | Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Rubberized Steel Fiber Concrete | 79-92 |
Lill, Irene / Kanapeckiene, Loreta / Tupenaite, Laura / Naimavicienė, Jurga | Selection of the Insulation Materials for Refurbishment Purposes | 104-115 |