Engineering Journal - v. 36, n. 2 (Juni 1999)
Erschienen: | Juni 1999 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Galambos, Theodore V. | A Comparison of Canadian, Mexican, and United States Steel Design Standards | 52-66 |
Ellingwood, Bruce R. | A Comparison of General Design and Load Requirements in Building Codes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States | 67-81 |
Laman, Jeffrey A. | Design Aids for Walking Vibrations in Steel Framed Floors | 82-101 |
Dumonteil, Pierre | Historical Note on K-Factor Equations | 102-103 |
Gilmor, Michael I. / Iwankiw, Nestor R. / Martinez-Romero, Enrique | Preface to the North American Design Comparisons | 51 |