Energy and Buildings - v. 25, n. 3 (1997)
Erschienen: | 1997 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Iwashita, Go / Akasaka, Hiroshi | The effects of human behavior on natural ventilation rate and indoor air environment in summer — a field study in southern Japan | 195-205 |
Ramdani, N. / Candau, Y. / Dautin, S. / Delille, S. / Rahni, N. / Dalicieux, P. | How to improve building thermal simulation programs by use of spectral analysis | 223-242 |
Çuhadaroğlu, B. / Demirci, E. | Influence of some meteorological factors on air pollution in Trabzon city | 179-184 |
Isetti, Carlo / Nannei, Enrico / Magrini, Anna | On the application of a membrane air—liquid contactor for air dehumidification | 185-193 |
Matrosov, Yu. A. / Norford, L. K. / Opitz, M. W. / Butovsky, I. N. | Standards for heating energy use in Russian buildings: a review and a report of recent progress | 207-222 |
Glicksman, Leon R. / Taub, Steven | Thermal and behavioral modeling of occupant-controlled heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems | 243-249 |