Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics - v. 33, n. 9 (Juli 2004)
Erschienen: | Juli 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Sangarayakul, C. / Warnitchai, P. | Approximate modal decomposition of inelastic dynamic responses of wall buildings | 999-1022 |
Menun, Charles | An envelope for Mohr's circle in seismically excited three-dimensional structures | 981-998 |
Lin, Yu-Yuan / Chuang, Tsai-Fu / Chang, Kuo-Chung | A mathematical basis for the convergence of the capacity spectrum method | 1059-1066 |
Mavroeidis, G. P. / Dong, G. / Papageorgiou, A. S. | Near-fault ground motions, and the response of elastic and inelastic single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) systems | 1023-1049 |
Wu, Wen-Hwa / Lee, Wen-How | Nested lumped-parameter models for foundation vibrations | 1051-1058 |