Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics - v. 23, n. 7 (Juli 1994)
Erschienen: | Juli 1994 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tinawi, René / Guizani, Lotfi | Formulation of hydrodynamic pressures in cracks due to earthquakes in concrete dams | 699-715 |
Wong, C. M. / Tso, W. K. | Inelastic seismic response of torsionally unbalanced systems designed using elastic dynamic analysis | 777-798 |
Schneider, Stephen P. / Roeder, Charles W. | An inelastic substructure technique for the pseudodynamic test method | 761-775 |
Benouar, D. | Magnitude–intensity and intensity–attenuation relationships for atlas region and Algerian earthquakes | 717-727 |
Chen, Yu / Ahmadi, Goodarz | Performance of a high damping rubber bearing base isolation system for a shear beam structure | 729-744 |
Bursi, Oreste S. / Shing, Pui-Shum B. / Radakovic-Guzina, Zorica | Pseudodynamic testing of strain-softening systems with adaptive time steps | 745-760 |