Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - Juni 2017
Erschienen: | Juni 2017 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Selden, Robert Z. | Asymmetry of Caddo ceramics from the Washington Square Mound site: An exploratory analysis | 21-28 |
Torres-Martínez, Jose Alberto / Sánchez-Aparicio, Luis Javier / Hernández-López, David / González-Aguilera, Diego | Combining geometrical and radiometrical features in the evaluation of rock art paintings | 10-20 |
Younes, Georges / Kahil, Rany / Jallad, Mayssa / Asmar, Daniel / Elhajj, Imad / Turkiyyah, George / Al-Harithy, Howayda | Virtual and augmented reality for rich interaction with cultural heritage sites: A case study from the Roman Theater at Byblos | 1-9 |