Construction Management and Economics - v. 42, n. 1 (Juli 2023)
Erschienen: | Juli 2023 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Nguyen Chau, Trinh / Pham, Thi Thu Tra / Ha, Thi Cam Van / Nguyen, Duy | Corruption, market structure, and industry competition in the Vietnamese construction sector | 1-16 |
Ben Mahmoud, Basma / Lehoux, Nadia / Blanchet, Pierre | Integration mechanisms for material suppliers in the construction supply chain: a systematic literature review | 1-38 |
Rueda-Benavides, Jorge / Gransberg, Douglas / Khalafalla, Mohamed / Mayorga, Cesar | Probabilistic cost-based decision-making matrix: IDIQ vs. DBB contracting | 1-15 |
Zhang, SuJuan / Leiringer, Roine / Winch, Graham | Procuring infrastructure public-private partnerships: capability development and learning from an owner perspective | 1-19 |
Denny-Smith, George / Williams, Megan / Loosemore, Martin / Sunindijo, Riza Yosia / Piggott, Leanne | What social value do Indigenous contractors create? | 1-19 |