Construction Management and Economics - v. 15, n. 5 (September 1997)
Erschienen: | September 1997 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Youjie, LU / Qiang, Zhang | Building economics research in the People's Republic of China: a review | 421-428 |
Ahmad, Irtishad U. / Sein, Maung K. | Construction project teams for TQM: a factor-element impact model | 457-467 |
Navon, Ronie / Arkin, Hillel / Burg, Isaac | Economic evaluation of HVAC systems with ice storage designed using an optimization technique | 429-439 |
Drew, Derek / Skitmore, Martin | The effect of contract type and size on competitiveness in bidding | 469-489 |
Barkham, Richard | The financial structure and ethos of property companies: an empirical analysis | 441-456 |
Kim, Sunkuk | Organization and managerial environment of the Korean construction industry | 409-419 |