Construction Management and Economics - v. 4, n. 3 (Dezember 1986)
Erschienen: | Dezember 1986 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Singh, G. / Kiangi, G. E. / Sabah, A. N. A. / Greenslade, O. C. | Application of a micro computer in investment decisions using dynamic programming | 188-199 |
Touran, Ali | Computer packages for construction data acquisition and processing | 233-243 |
Kenley, Russell / Wilson, Owen D. | A construction project cash flow model—an idiographic approach | 213-232 |
Tucker, S. N. | Formulating construction cash flow curves using a reliability theory analogy | 179-188 |
Faulkner, A. C. / Day, A. K. | Images of status and performance in building team occupations | 245-260 |
Powell, Christopher | Some trends in relative costs of building types: description and interpretation | 201-212 |