Construction Management and Economics - v. 27, n. 7 (2009)
Erschienen: | 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth / Jahre, Marianne | Balancing value creating logics in construction | 695-704 |
Houthoofd, Noël | Business definition and performance implications: the case of the Belgian construction sector | 639-652 |
Sexton, Martin / Lu, Shu‐Ling | The challenges of creating actionable knowledge: an action research perspective | 683-694 |
Rozenfeld, Ophir / Sacks, Rafael / Rosenfeld, Yehiel | ' CHASTE': construction hazard assessment with spatial and temporal exposure | 625-638 |
Johnsson, Helena / Meiling, John Henrik | Defects in offsite construction: timber module prefabrication | 667-681 |
Choudhury, Ifte | The effect of political unrest on construction time for food grain warehouses in Bangladesh | 619-624 |
Tah, Joseph H. M. | Implementing IT in Construction | 705-706 |
Huang, Yu‐Lin / Pi, Chai‐Chi | Valuation of multi‐stage BOT projects involving dedicated asset investments: a sequential compound option approach | 653-666 |