Construction Management and Economics - v. 34, n. 6 (Juni 2015)
Erschienen: | Juni 2015 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Pousette, Anders / Törner, Marianne | Effects of systematic work preparation meetings on safety climate and psychosocial conditions in the construction industry | 355-365 |
Edirisinghe, Ruwini / Lingard, Helen | Exploring the potential for the use of video to communicate safety information to construction workers: case studies of organizational use | 366-376 |
Brooks, Tara / Spillane, John / Tansey, Paul / Hendron, Caroline | The impact of the recent economic recession on the operation of the NEC contract in Northern Ireland | 393-417 |
Robson, Abigail / Boyd, David / Thurairajah, Niraj | Studying 'cost as information' to account for construction improvements | 418-431 |
Turner, Michelle / Lingard, Helen | Work–life fit: identification of demand and resource typologies within a systems framework | 377-392 |