Construction Management and Economics - v. 26, n. 12 (Dezember 2008)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Aibinu, Ajibade Ayodeji / Pasco, Thomas | The accuracy of pre‐tender building cost estimates in Australia | 1257-1269 |
Liu, Anita M. M. / Fellows, Richard | Behaviour of quantity surveyors as organizational citizens | 1271-1282 |
Christodoulou, Symeon E. | A bid‐unbalancing method for lowering a contractor's financial risk | 1291-1302 |
Minchin, R. Edward / Hammons, Michael I. / Ahn, Junyong | A construction quality index for highway construction | 1313-1324 |
Senaratne, Sepani / Sexton, Martin | Managing construction project change: a knowledge management perspective | 1303-1311 |
Revaluing Construction | 1325-1326 | |
Cattell, David William / Bowen, Paul Anthony / Kaka, Ammar P. | A simplified unbalanced bidding model | 1283-1290 |