Construction Management and Economics - v. 26, n. 1 (Januar 2008)
Erschienen: | Januar 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dzeng, Ren‐Jye / Wang, Shyh‐Shiuh | An analysis of infrastructure development based on national competitiveness perspectives | 47-61 |
Lai, Lawrence Wai Chung / Ngar Ng, Felicity Wai / Yung, Ping | The Coase Theorem and a Coasian construction economics and management research agenda1 | 29-46 |
Green, Stuart D. / Larsen, Graeme D. / Kao, Chung‐Chin | Competitive strategy revisited: contested concepts and dynamic capabilities | 63-78 |
Abdul‐Rahman, Hamzah / Yahya, Imran Ariff / Berawi, Mohammed Ali / Wah, Low Wai | Conceptual delay mitigation model using a project learning approach in practice | 15-27 |
Neves, Joao C. / Bugalho, Antonio | Coordination and control in emerging international construction firms | 3-13 |
Mehmet, Ozay / Yorucu, Vedat | Explosive construction in a micro‐state: environmental limit and the Bon curve: evidence from North Cyprus | 79-88 |