Construction Innovation - v. 5, n. 1 (März 2005)
Erschienen: | März 2005 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dulaimi, Mohammed Fadhil | The challenge of customer orientation in the construction industry | 3-12 |
Matsumoto, Isao T. / Stapleton, John / Glass, Jacqueline / Thorpe, Tony | Developing a framework to measure organizational and employee skills development in a professional engineering design consultancy | 53-66 |
Packham, G. / Miller, C. J. / Thomas, B. C. / Brooksbank, D. | An examination of the management challenges faced by growing SCEs in South Wales | 13-25 |
Powl, Andrew / Skitmore, Martin | Factors hindering the performance of construction project managers | 41-51 |
Chen, Zhen / Li, Heng / Kong, Stephen C. W. / Xu, Qian | A knowledge‐driven management approach to environmental‐conscious construction | 27-39 |