Construction Innovation - v. 14, n. 2 (April 2014)
Erschienen: | April 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Alashwal, Ali Mohammed / Abdul-Rahman, Hamzah | Aspects of project learning in construction: a socio-technical model | 229-244 |
Engström, Dan / Stehn, Lars | Design creating value for systems building of housing | |
Teriö, Olli / Sorri, Jaakko / Kähkönen, Kalle / Hämäläinen, Jukka | Environmental index for Finnish construction sites | 245-262 |
Chen, Yunfeng / Dib, Hazar / Cox, Robert F. | A measurement model of building information modelling maturity | 186-209 |
Bashouri, Joseph / William Duncan, Glen | A model for sharing knowledge in architectural firms | 168-185 |
Hughes, Rami / Thorpe, David | A review of enabling factors in construction industry productivity in an Australian environment | 210-228 |
Turkan, Yelda / Bosché, Frédéric / Haas, Carl T. / Haas, Ralph | Tracking of secondary and temporary objects in structural concrete work | 145-167 |