Construction Innovation - v. 15, n. 2 (April 2015)
Erschienen: | April 2015 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Hosseini, M.Reza / Chileshe, Nicholas / Zuo, Jian / Baroudi, Bassam | Adopting global virtual engineering teams in AEC Projects: A qualitative meta-analysis of innovation diffusion studies | 151-179 |
Pekuri, Aki / Pekuri, Laura / Haapasalo, Harri | Business models and project selection in construction companies | 180-197 |
Karan, Ebrahim / Irizarry, Javier / Haymaker, John | Generating IFC models from heterogeneous data using semantic web | 219-235 |
Alwan, Zaid / Greenwood, David / Gledson, Barry | Rapid LEED evaluation performed with BIM based sustainability analysis on a virtual construction project | 134-150 |
Kähkönen, Kalle | Role and nature of systemic innovations in construction and real estate sector | 130-133 |
Jansson, Gustav / Lundkvist, Robert / Olofsson, Thomas | The role of experience feedback channels in the continuous development of house-building platforms | 236-255 |
Jingmond, Monika / Ågren, Robert | Unravelling causes of defects in construction | 198-218 |