Construction Innovation - v. 16, n. 2 (April 2016)
Erschienen: | April 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Shokri-Ghasabeh, Morteza / Chileshe, Nicholas | Critical factors influencing the bid/no bid decision in the Australian construction industry | 127-157 |
Walker, Derek H. T. / Rahamani, Farshid | Delivering a water treatment plant project using a collaborative project procurement approach | 158-184 |
Maghrebi, Mojtaba / Shamsoddini, Ali / Travis Waller, S. | Fusion based learning approach for predicting concrete pouring productivity based on construction and supply parameters | 185-202 |
Gledson, Barry J. | Hybrid project delivery processes observed in constructor BIM innovation adoption | 229-246 |
Walker, Derek H. T. | Reflecting on 10 years of focus on innovation, organisational learning and knowledge management literature in a construction project management context | 114-126 |
Tsehayae, Abraham Assefa / Fayek, Aminah Robinson | System model for analysing construction labour productivity | 203-228 |