Construction History - 2004
Erschienen: | 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Brindle, Steven / Tucker, Malcolm | Brunel's Lost Bridge: The Rediscovery and Salvage of the Bishops Road Canal Bridge, Paddington | 45-70 |
Alegre, Alexandra / Heitor, Teresa | Flexibilty in the First Generation of Reinforced Concrete Housing: A Public Housing Estate in Lisbon | 85-94 |
Guo, Quanquan | From Tower to Pagoda: Structural and Technological Transition | 3-20 |
Portman, Derek | Henry Marc Brunel - Civil Engineer | 71-84 |
Campbell, James W. P. | Nicholas Hawksmoor's Building Notebook | 21-44 |