Construction and Building Materials - v. 14, n. 1 (Februar 2000)
Erschienen: | Februar 2000 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Jannadi, M. Osama / Tahir, Bassam M. | A concrete pier: case history of failure and repair | 7-16 |
Toribio, J. / Toledano, M. | Fatigue and fracture performance of cold drawn wires for prestressed concrete | 47-53 |
Faruqi, Mohammed A. / Pleimann, Larry G. / Leelani, Pat | A mathematical evaluation of compressive behavior of steel tubular structures filled with composite materials | 1-5 |
Cabrillac, R. / Malou, Z. | Mechanical modelization of anisotropic porous materials with a homogenization method. Application to aerated concretes | 25-33 |
Seneviratne, A. M. G. / Sergi, G. / Page, C. L. | Performance characteristics of surface coatings applied to concrete for control of reinforcement corrosion | 55-59 |
Moropoulou, A. / Bakolas, A. / Bisbikou, K. | Physico-chemical adhesion and cohesion bonds in joint mortars imparting durability to the historic structures | 35-46 |
Živica, Vladimı́r | Sulfate resistance of the cement materials based on the modified silica fume | 17-23 |