Computers & Structures - August 2022
Erschienen: | August 2022 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Lee, Sungkwon / Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen | Additional overlapping finite elements – The pyramid and prism elements | 106813 |
Yao, Zucheng / Wang, Wei / Kanvinde, Amit | A constitutive model of cyclic plasticity with Lode dependence for structural steels | 106826 |
Joubert, A. / Allaire, G. / Amstutz, S. / Diani, J. | Damping optimization of viscoelastic cantilever beams and plates under free vibration | 106811 |
Castrillo, Pablo / Canelas, Alfredo / Schillaci, Eugenio / Rigola, Joaquim / Oliva, Asensio | High-order finite volume method for linear elasticity on unstructured meshes | 106829 |
Sabounchi, Saeed / Caner, Ferhun C. | Microplane model of cylindrical geometry for transversely isotropic polymer composites | 106807 |
Huo, Hui / Xu, Wentao / Wang, Wenpei / Chen, Guohai / Yang, Dixiong | New non-intrusive stochastic finite element method for plate structures | 106812 |