Computers & Structures - v. 71, n. 3 (Mai 1999)
Erschienen: | Mai 1999 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wang, Xuelin / Zhou, Ji | An accelerated subspace iteration method for generalized eigenproblems | 293-301 |
Davı̀, G. / Milazzo, A. | Bending stress fields in composite laminate beams by a boundary integral formulation | 267-276 |
Little, G. H. | Efficient large deflection analysis of rectangular plates with general transverse form of displacement | 333-352 |
Lallemand, B. / Level, P. / Duveau, H. / Mahieux, B. | Eigensolutions sensitivity analysis using a sub-structuring method | 257-265 |
Sainsbury, M. G. / Zhang, Q. J. | The Galerkin element method applied to the vibration of damped sandwich beams | 239-256 |
Ravikumar, M. / Chattopadhyay, Avijit | Integral analysis of conveyor pulley using finite element method | 303-332 |
Little, G. H. | Large deflections of rectangular plates with transverse edges remaining straight | 353-357 |
Krauthammer, Theodor / Swartz, Stuart E. | Observed finite element capabilities and limitations from multi-team simulations of three concrete shell structures | 277-291 |