Computers & Structures - v. 11, n. 5 (Mai 1980)
Erschienen: | Mai 1980 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Stefanou, G. D. / Syrmakezis, K. | Automatic triangular mesh generation in flat plates for finite elements | 439-464 |
Yoo, Chai Hong | Bimoment contribution to stability of thin-walled assemblages | 465-471 |
Humar, J. L. / Khandoker, J. U. | A computer program for three dimensional analysis of buildings | 369-387 |
Ovunc, Bulent A. | Effect of axial force on framework dynamics | 389-395 |
Komatsu, Sadao / Nara, Satoshi / Kitada, Toshiyuki | Elasto-plastic analysis of orthogonally stiffened plates with initial imperfections under uniaxial compression | 429-437 |
Kamat, Manohar P. / Hayduk, Robert J. | Energy minimization versus pseudo force technique for nonlinear structural analysis | 403-409 |
Saka, M. P. | Optimum design of rigidly jointed frames | 411-419 |
Bhavikatti, S. S. / Ramakrishnan, C. V. | Optimum shape design of rotating disks | 397-401 |
Franchi, A. / Cohn, M. Z. | Strain-softening and large-displacement analysis in structural plasticity | 421-427 |