Computers and Geotechnics - Dezember 2021
Erschienen: | Dezember 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Nian, Tingkai / Li, Dongyang / Liang, Qiuhua / Wu, Hao / Guo, Xingsen | Multi-phase flow simulation of landslide dam formation process based on extended coupled DEM-CFD method | 104438 |
Shan, Yao / Cheng, Guohui / Gu, Xiaoqiang / Zhou, Shunhua / Xiao, Feizhi | Optimization of design parameters of displacement isolation piles constructed between a high-speed railway bridge and a double-line metro tunnel: From the view point of vibration isolation effect | 104460 |