Composite Structures - v. 19, n. 4 (1991)
Erschienen: | 1991 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Heder, Mats | Buckling of sandwich panels with different boundary conditions — A comparison between FE-analysis and analytical solutions | 313-332 |
Wang, Wei-Chung / Day, Chiang-Han | On the applicability of orthotropic fracture theory to the fracture of CFRP laminates | 333-349 |
Kam, T. Y. / Snyman, J. A. | Optimal design of laminated composite plates using a global optimization technique | 351-370 |
Bhimaraddi, A. / Chandrashekhara, K. | Some observations on the modeling of laminated composite beams with general lay-ups | 371-380 |
Murthy, Aruna V. / Dattaguru, B. / Narayana, H. V. L. / Rao, A. K. | Stress and strength analysis of pin joints in laminated anisotropic plates | 299-312 |