Composite Structures - v. 11, n. 1 (1989)
Erschienen: | 1989 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Moser, Kurt / Schmid, Alfred | Composite structures—Modelling, finite element analysis and evaluation | 33-56 |
Molent, L. / Callinan, R. J. / Jones, R. | Design of an all boron/epoxy doubler reinforcement for the F-111C wing pivot fitting: Structural aspects | 57-83 |
Ganesan, N. / Soamidas, V. | Inplane vibration analysis of polar orthotropic annular plates with parabolically varying thickness | 1-13 |
Krishna Murty, A. V. / Hari Kumar, H. K. | Modelling of symmetric laminates under extension | 15-32 |