Coastal Engineering Journal - v. 46, n. 3 (September 2004)
Erschienen: | September 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Nagai, Toshihiko / Ogawa, Hideaki / Nukada, Kyoshi / Kudaka, Masanobu | Characteristics of the Observed 2003 Tokachi-Off Earthquake Tsunami Profile | 315-327 |
Azam, Mir Hammadul / Samad, Mustafa Ataus | Effect of Cyclone Track and Landfall Angle on the Magnitude of Storm Surges Along the Coast of Bangladesh in the Northern Bay of Bengal | 269-290 |
Zhao, M. / Teng, B. / Cheng, L. | Numerical Simulation of Wave-Induced Local Scour Around a Large Cylinder | 291-314 |
Mase, Hajime / Miyahira, Akira / Hedges, Terry S. | Random Wave Runup on Seawalls Near Shorelines with and without Artificial Reefs | 247-268 |
Mina, Kameal Mitry / Sato, Shinji | A Transport Model for Sheetflow Based on Two-Phase Flow | 329-367 |