civil engineering design - v. 5, n. 5-6 (November 2023)
Erschienen: | November 2023 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zimmert, Florian / Braml, Thomas | Free‐form reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete and composite components: Calculation of cross‐section values | 95-106 |
Mellios, Nikolaos / Losse, Jeffrey / Spyridis, Panagiotis | Hybrid assessment of fibre orientation influence on the load resistance of anchors in SFRC | 107-117 |
Curbach, Manfred / Hegger, Josef / Bielak, Jan / Schmidt, Christopher / Bosbach, Sven / Scheerer, Silke / Claßen, Martin / Simon, Jaan‐Willem / Maas, Hans‐Gerd / Vollpracht, Anya / Koch, Andreas / Hahn, Lars / Butler, Marko / Beckmann, Birgit / Adam, Viviane / Cherif, Chokri / Chudoba, Rostislav / Gries, Thomas / Günther, Edeltraud / Kaliske, Michael / Klinkel, Sven / Löhnert, Stefan / Lautenschläger, Thea / Marx, Steffen / Matschei, Thomas / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Nagel, Wolfgang E. / Neinhuis, Christoph / Niemeyer, Alice / Noennig, Jörg Rainer / Raupach, Michael / Reese, Stefanie / Scheffler, Christina / Schladitz, Frank / Traverso, Marzia | New perspectives on carbon reinforced concrete structures ‐ Why new composites need new design strategies | 67-94 |