Cement and Concrete Research - Januar 2014
Erschienen: | Januar 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Brumaud, Coralie / Baumann, Robert / Schmitz, Marc / Radler, Michael / Roussel, Nicolas | Cellulose ethers and yield stress of cement pastes | 14-21 |
Wang, Wei / Liu, Jian / Agostini, Franck / Davy, Catherine A. / Skoczylas, Frédéric / Corvez, Dominique | Durability of an Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) under progressive aging | 1-13 |
Kriskova, Lubica / Pontikes, Yiannis / Zhang, Fei / Cizer, Özlem / Jones, Peter Tom / Van Balen, Koenraad / Blanpain, Bart | Influence of mechanical and chemical activation on the hydraulic properties of gamma dicalcium silicate | 59-68 |
Li, Xuerun / Zhang, Yu / Shen, Xiaodong / Wang, Qianqian / Pan, Zhigang | Kinetics of calcium sulfoaluminate formation from tricalcium aluminate, calcium sulfate and calcium oxide | 79-87 |
Pomianowski, Michal / Heiselberg, Per / Jensen, Rasmus Lund / Cheng, Rui / Zhang, Yinping | A new experimental method to determine specific heat capacity of inhomogeneous concrete material with incorporated microencapsulated-PCM | 22-34 |
Zheng, Haibing / Li, Weihua / Ma, Fubin / Kong, Qinglin | The performance of a surface-applied corrosion inhibitor for the carbon steel in saturated Ca(OH)2 solutions | 102-108 |