Building Simulation - v. 2, n. 2 (Juni 2009)
Erschienen: | Juni 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
van Schijndel, A. W. M. | Integrated modeling of dynamic heat, air and moisture processes in buildings and systems using SimuLink and COMSOL | 143-155 |
Colaco, Sheryl G. / Kurian, Ciji P. / George, V. I. / Colaco, Anitha M. | Model based evaluation of exterior daylight illuminance distribution | 85-94 |
Liu, Lanbin / Fu, Lin / Wang, Chuang / Jiang, Yi | A novel on-off TRV adjustment model and simulation of its thermal dynamic performance | 109-118 |
Stabat, Pascal / Marchio, Dominique | Opportunities for reversible chillers in office buildings in Europe | 95-108 |
Yang, Caiqing / Yang, Xudong / Xu, Tengfang / Sun, Luchun / Gong, Wei | Optimization of bathroom ventilation design for an ISO Class 5 clean ward | 133-142 |
Seghouani, Lotfi / Galanis, Nicolas | Quasi-steady state model of an ice rink refrigeration system | 119-132 |
Asdrubali, Francesco / Baldinelli, Giorgio | Theoretical modelling and experimental evaluation of the optical properties of glazing systems with selective films | 75-84 |