Building Simulation - v. 4, n. 1 (März 2011)
Erschienen: | März 2011 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tariku, Fitsum / Kumaran, Kumar / Fazio, Paul | Determination of indoor humidity profile using a whole-building hygrothermal model | 61-78 |
Balocco, Carla | Hospital ventilation simulation for the study of potential exposure to contaminants | 5-20 |
Pepper, Darrell W. / Wang, Xiuling | An hp-finite element method for simulating indoor contaminant dispersion | 33-40 |
Thomas, Sébastien / Franck, Pierre-Yves / André, Philippe | Model validation of a dynamic embedded water base surface heat emitting system for buildings | 41-48 |
Petrone, Giuseppe / Cammarata, Luigi / Cammarata, Giuliano | A multi-physical simulation on the IAQ in a movie theatre equipped by different ventilating systems | 21-31 |
van Schijndel, A. W. M. | Multiphysics modeling of building physical constructions | 49-60 |
Schellen, Henk L. / van Schijndel, A. W. M. | Setpoint control for air heating in a church to minimize moisture related mechanical stress in wooden interior parts | 79-86 |