Building Services Engineering Research and Technology - v. 6, n. 2 (Mai 1985)
Erschienen: | Mai 1985 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Baird, George / Donn, Michael R. / Pool, Frank | The analysis of the factors affecting energy use in the commercial buildings of the Wellington CBD | 67-81 |
McKennan, G. T. | Building energy needs and window area | 54-62 |
Dow, M. R. | Calculation of peak temperatures in multiple zones using the admittance method | 63-66 |
Davies, M. G. | The cooling action of opening a window—a case study | 89-90 |
Stuckes, Audrey D. / Simpson, A. | The effect of moisture on the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete | 49-53 |
Perera, M. D. A. E. S. / Walker, R. R. | Strategy for measuring infiltration rates in large, multicelled and naturally ventilated buildings using a single tracer gas | 82-88 |
Siviour, J. B. | Thermal performance of mineral fibre insulation | 91-92 |