Building and Environment - v. 26, n. 1 (Januar 1991)
Erschienen: | Januar 1991 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Clarke, J. A. / Maver, T. W. | Advanced design tools for energy conscious building design: Development and dissemination | 25-34 |
Oksala, Tarkko | Building design experiments with CAD: Some theory and practice | 41-48 |
Stoker, Douglas F. | CAD versus practice | 13-15 |
Radford, Antony | Developments in computer-aided design | 1-2 |
Eastman, Charles M. | The evolution of CAD: Integrating multiple representations | 17-23 |
Oxman, Robert M. / Oxman, Rivka E. | Formal knowledge in knowledge-based CAD | 35-40 |
Stevens, Garry | The impacts of computing on architecture | 3-11 |
Woodbury, Robert F. | Searching for designs: Paradigm and practice | 61-73 |
Week, David | The structure of CAD and the structure of form | 49-59 |