Building Acoustics - v. 15, n. 4 (Dezember 2008)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Oberdörster, Markus / Tiesler, Gerhart | "Modern Teaching" Needs Modern Conditions — Communication Behaviour of Pupils and Teachers in Highly Absorbent Classrooms | 315-324 |
Oldham, D. J. / Elkhateeb, A. | The Absorption Characteristics of Muslim Worshippers | 335-348 |
Mahn, Jeffrey / Pearse, John | On the Probability Density Functions of the Terms Described by the EN12354 Prediction Method | 263-287 |
Kapralos, Bill / Jenkin, Michael / Milios, Evangelos | Sonel Mapping: A Probabilistic Acoustical Modeling Method | 289-313 |
Alba, Jesús / Marant, Vincent / Aguilera, Juan Luis / Ramis, Jaime / del Rey, Romina | Technical Note: Prediction Models of Airborne Sound Insulation of Multilayer Materials with Viscoelastic Thin Sheets | 325-334 |