Building Acoustics - v. 19, n. 3 (September 2012)
Erschienen: | September 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Arau-Puchades, Higini | The Refurbishment of Tonhalle St. Gallen | 185-204 |
Ćirić, Dejan G. / Pantić, Aleksandar | Separability of Distortion Products in Room Impulse Response Measurements with Maximum Length Sequences | 173-183 |
Arau-Puchades, Higini | Sound Pressure Levels in Rooms: A Study of Steady State Intensity, Total Sound Level, Reverberation Distance, a New Discussion of Steady State Intensity and other Experimental Formulae | 205-220 |
Mahn, Jeffrey / Pearse, John | The Uncertainty of the Proposed Single Number Ratings for Airborne Sound Insulation | 145-172 |