Bridge Structures - v. 8, n. 3-4 (2012)
Erschienen: | 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Garapati, S. H. / Kaw, A. | Analysis of heating and cooling methods for assembly of steel fulcra in bascule bridges | 121-133 |
Granata, M. F. / Margiotta, P. / Arici, M. / Recupero, A. | Construction stages of cable-stayed bridges with composite deck | 93-106 |
Nikolaou, S. / Lacy, H. S. | Overview of geology and foundations of bridges on the East Coast of USA | 107-119 |
Yilmaz, Taner / Caner, Alp | Target damage level assessment for seismic performance evaluation of two-column reinforced concrete bridge bents | 135-146 |