arq: Architectural Research Quarterly - v. 21, n. 2 (Juni 2017)
Erschienen: | Juni 2017 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Giddings, Bob / Moss, Oliver | The art and architecture of Peter Yates and Gordon Ryder at Kenton, Newcastle upon Tyne | 141-154 |
Martin-Mcauliffe, Samantha L. | Encounters with Socrates: architecture, dialogue, and gesture in the Athenian Agora | 131-140 |
Anderson, Jane / Priest, Colin | Following John Hejduk's Fabrications: on imagination and reality in the architectural design process | 183-192 |
Fridh, Kristina | From Japanese tradition towards new subjectivity in the architecture of Kengo Kuma and Toyo Ito | 113-130 |
Matthewson, Gill | The gendered attrition of architects in Australia | 171-182 |
Verma, Neena | Looking Down | 89-92 |
Carr, Andrew | The quick and the dead: temporality, temporal structure, and the architectural chronotope | 94-112 |
Kim, Hyon-Sob | Representing Korean architecture in the modern West: two Korean Pavilions from 1960s international expositions | 155-170 |