Architectural History - 1990
Erschienen: | 1990 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mowl, Tim | ' Against the Time in Which the Fabric and Use of Gunpowder Shall Be Forgotten': Enmore Castle, Ist Origins and Ist Architect | 102 |
Sicca, Cinzia | The Architecture of the Wall: Astylism in the Architecture of Lord Burlington | 83 |
Whiteley, Nigel | Banham and 'Otherness': Reyner Banham (1922-1988) and His Quest for an Architecture Autre | 188 |
Bold, John | The Design of a House for a Merchant, 1724 | 75 |
Stevens, Russell / Willis, Peter | Earl De La Warr and the Competition for the Bexhill Pavilion, 1933-34 | 135 |
Tyack, Geoffrey | 'A Gallery Worthy of the British People': James Pennethorne's Designs for the National Gallery, 1845-1867 | 120 |
Manco, Jean / Greenhalf, David / Girouard, Mark | Lulworth Castle in the Seventeenth Century | 29 |
Jackson, Neil | Metal-Frame Houses of the Modern Movement in Los Angeles: Part 2: The Style That Nearly... | 167 |
Worsley, Giles | Nicholas Hawksmoor: A Pioneer Neo-Palladian? | 60 |
Jones, Mark Wilson | The Tempietto and the Roots of Coincidence | 1 |