Advances in Concrete Construction (ACC) - v. 1, n. 1 (März 2013)
Erschienen: | März 2013 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zwicky, Daia | Bond and ductility: a theoretical study on the impact of construction details - part 1: basic considerations | 103-119 |
Gjorv, Odd E. | Durability design and quality assurance of major concrete infrastructure | 45-63 |
Silva, Pedro / de Brito, Jorge | Electrical resistivity and capillarity of self-compacting concrete with incorporation of fly ash and limestone filler | 65-84 |
Behnam, Behrouz / Ronagh, Hamid R. / Baji, Hassan | Methodology for investigating the behavior of reinforced concrete structures subjected to post earthquake fire | 29-44 |
Caspeele, Robby / Taerwe, Luc | Numerical Bayesian updating of prior distributions for concrete strength properties considering conformity control | 85-102 |
Barros, Joaquim A. O. / Lourenço, Lúcio A. P. / Soltanzadeh, Fatemeh / Taheri, Mahsa | Steel fibre reinforced concrete for elements failing in bending and in shear | 1-27 |