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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Wind Tunnel Test on Local Wind Field around the Bridge Tower of a Truss Girder


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Civil Engineering, , v. 2021
Seite(n): 1-13
DOI: 10.1155/2021/8867668

The aerodynamic performance of vehicles on a bridge deck depends on the local wind field, especially in a region near a bridge tower. This study was carried out on a large-scale (1: 20.4) truss girder, and wind tunnel tests were performed to determine how the wind fields were affected by the bridge tower in the presence of different wind barriers. The wind barrier parameters significantly affect the wind field. Wind barriers should be sufficiently high to provide a wide protection range and have relatively small porosities to reduce the wind speed. The opening form of the wind barrier should also be considered, where a circular-holed form reduces the wind speed and turbulence more than a horizontal-slatted form. The wind field is affected by structures and bridge towers on the deck. A turning point in the wind speed occurs at a measurement point near the bridge tower, and this point gradually moves upward towards lanes on the leeward side of the bridge. The equivalent wind speed is significantly reduced over a four-meter height range because of shadowing from the bridge tower and the wind barrier.

Copyright: © Jingyu Zhang et al.

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