Thermal and Structural Performances of Screen Grid Insulated Concrete Forms (SGICFs) Using Experimental Testing
Autor(en): |
Yosra El-Maghraby
Khaled Tarabieh Meral Sharkass Islam Mashaly Ezzat Fahmy |
Medium: | Fachartikel |
Sprache(n): | Englisch |
Veröffentlicht in: | Buildings, 25 August 2024, n. 9, v. 14 |
Seite(n): | 2599 |
DOI: | 10.3390/buildings14092599 |
Abstrakt: |
The demand for sustainable building materials and systems with the emphasis on energy efficiency is on the rise. Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are an example of such structural systems. Screen Grid Insulated Concrete Forms (SGICFs) are an innovative system that combines structural strength and thermal performance. ICF walls are commonly used in Western countries to provide high-level insulation and internal weather control. Accordingly, the current research conducts a comparative thermal analysis for a market-supplied ICF wall, a SGICF proposed design, and three typical brick walls used regionally in the Middle East. The heat transfer through the five walls is simulated by COMSOL Multiphysics and validated experimentally by utilizing a guarded hot box facility under the regulations of the ASTM C1363 standard. The market-supplied ICF walls showed better thermal insulation properties than the proposed SGICF walls, because of their higher thermal mass of concrete than in the SGICF walls. However, both walls had a remarkably higher insulation performance than the other three typical brick walls available in the market. The results reveal that the market-supplied ICF walls are overdesigned for use in the Middle East region, and SGICFs, with their comparative thermal transmittance, are a very good competitor in the Middle East market. |
Copyright: | © 2024 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Lizenz: | Dieses Werk wurde unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) veröffentlicht und darf unter den Lizenzbedinungen vervielfältigt, verbreitet, öffentlich zugänglich gemacht, sowie abgewandelt und bearbeitet werden. Dabei muss der Urheber bzw. Rechteinhaber genannt und die Lizenzbedingungen eingehalten werden. |
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