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Role of employers in the process of Civil Engineering curriculum development: A case in Poland = El papel de los empleadores en el desarrollo curricular de los Ingenieros Civiles: Un caso en Polonia


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch, Spanisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Building Education / Innovación Educativa en la Edificación, , n. 1, v. 1
Seite(n): 56
DOI: 10.20868/abe.2017.1.3512
Abstrakt: The latest amendments to the Law on Higher Education strengthened the role and importance of cooperation between the universities and socio-economic environment. The idea of curriculum based on learning outcomes should facilitate cooperation of universities with external stakeholders (e.g. employers, representatives of professional organizations) in the process of educational offer development. The employers expect graduates to have a high level of competence that are a synthesis of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal features. In their opinion, the role of the education system is to  prepare  graduates practically for the profession and to provide them with a wide array of professional skills. Most frequently mentioned weakness of university graduates is the lack of experience and practical skills. Initially, the participation of employers in curriculum design was symbolic. It was the result of lack of interest or the requirement for graduates for very specific skills needed for a given position in the company. The participation of employers in the curriculum design and evaluation of its quality has increased since the representatives of employers were included in the external evaluation committees. The most effective forms of employers' participation in creating a curriculum of study e.g. dual study, common post-graduate study, internships, technical trips, dedicated lectures etc. were discussed on the basis of civil engineering in technical university. The participation of employers is increasingly more conscious. However, there is still a need to seek mechanisms and methods for consulting that would really involve employers into cooperation, and at the same time would not generate more red tape on any side.

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