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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Reinforcing the Flexural Fracture Zone in the Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station by Simultaneously Applying Wet-Milling Cement and Chemical Compound Grouting


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Seite(n): 340
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030340

This paper reports the results of a full-scale field test that was conducted to assess the performance of the use of wet-milling cement and chemical compound grouting in the same hole to reinforce a flexural fracture zone. Wet-milling cement and chemical compound grouting methods were used to treat a layer of the flexural fracture zone with a thickness of 19 m. The procedures of the cement–chemical compound grouting method were described in detail, and the results of the normal water pressure test, fatigue water pressure test, failure water pressure test, and shear wave velocity test suggested that the working effects in the epoxy testing area were better than those in the acrylic acid salt test area, which further indicated that the cement–chemical compound grouting method was feasible. In addition, the improvement mechanism of the cement–chemical compound grouting technology was studied; this method is beneficial for solving the problem of the reinforcement effect not being ideal in practical engineering and further improving the compactness of dam structures.

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